3: rolls of toilet paper and counting (a personal record for a single illness) used to blow my nose
6: number of hours I've actually spent working this last week
6: number of days spent in bed
2: number of days I didn't and should have
400: pages of Tolkien I've been conscious enough to read
12: hours of BBC's “Planet Earth” I've watched. Ask me anything about elephants.
80% : h1n1 score. The national news published a chart of normal flu symptoms vs. h1n1 symptoms. My symptoms scored 8 out of 10 for h1n1. With no medical opinion to back me up, I'm going to declare myself victor over some baby sibling of h1n1. I'll call it the “goat flu” until they can give it a proper name.
Countless: grapefruits, liters of water and hours of sleep I've taken on in the past 8 days. In the end, though, I've supplemented my natural regimen with actual pharmaceuticals.
Actually, since I composed this blog entry I've had five full days of work. Seemingly, one out of every two relatives I have here in Paraguay is a medical professional of some sort (MD, RN, Veterinarian, etc.) so I've been in good hands. Nonetheless, it leaves little to report when entire days are spent staring at the ceiling contemplating which is more torturous: the insistent pain of waking, or the dreadful feverish dreams of sleeping. This I will say, I witnessed rain in the Chaco. It wasn't long and it didn't do much more than settle the dust, but for a brief time there were actually puddles on the yard. Here's a picture:

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