Friday, August 21, 2009

The Savvy Traveler: My Hobbies

Maybe your travel agent loaded you up with lots of flashy brochures and promotional DVDs. You came to Paraguay expecting to see and do it all. Perhaps you already did it all. Perhaps you got no further than the Pink Palace when your bus broke down. Either way, you're bored. Let's face it: sometimes our brains just get tired of being stuck inside our heads all day. Like you, your mind needs a diversion every once in a while, but you're on a budget. As a seasoned Paraguayan traveler I feel duty-bound to impart some wisdom that will keep your mind, and your wallet, happy.


Some people whine about being the only country that hasn't switched to the metric system. I prefer to embrace the challenge of being stuck between two measuring systems. Think of it as being units of measurement. Once you've got your brain hooked on conversions, it'll be occupied for hours. Try these for starters.

Currency: The first challenge. Paraguay has a simple 5000gs:$1 ratio. Just pretend like you're 5000 times as rich as you are and you'll know exactly what you can afford.

Time: Even metric countries are beholden to the mighty twelve hour clock face, but sometimes out of spite they'll refer to things in 24 hour time. Resist the temptation to simply subtract 12 hours. Remember, you're on Latin American time. If the concert is supposed to start at 20:00 they really mean 9:15 pm.

Distance: There are two reasons people want to convert kilometers to miles. Their first question is, “how far is it?” but what they're really asking is, “how long will it take to get there?” and distance really has nothing to do with it. Instead you should be asking whether the potholes are 9cm or 40cm, whether there's a broken down bus blocking traffic, and how mentally sound your driver is. (sane = slow, suicidal = anywhere in 10 minutes). The second question people have is “how fast are we going?” The answer is, given the road conditions, the number of crazy drivers, and the number of kids wandering the median, you don't want to be asking that question.

Temperature: the morphine of conversions. Once you start there's no turning back. Asuncion is pocked with temperature marquees. At practically every stoplight you'll have a chance to try out this formula. After all, when you write home it sounds a lot more impressive to say it was 104º (it was for about a week – this is wintertime, remember) than 40º. Ready for it? Degrees F = 9/5 (Degrees C) + 32

Religious Tracts:

Speaking of conversion, these are some nifty little boredom-killers. Granted, unless you're a Young-earth, Pre-millennial, Evangelical Protestant, (and maybe even if you are) you'll doubtless find something offensive in them, but regardless of your theological persuasion these tracts are your one-stop travel entertainment shop.

Sure, everybody knows you can always find a great moralled story between the covers, but that's only the beginning. Did you know these little guys are also terrific phrase books? You won't find gems like “Juan, you're damned to hell” or “Jesus will be your worst nightmare” anywhere else*. Hang onto these guys. (*I wish I'd made those up)

Itching to pick that hermeneutic fight? Did you know some people write their doctoral theses over these tracts? As long as you're stuck on the bus, why not start yours?

Traveling with a child? Even if you aren't, these tracts represent the world's smallest mass-produced coloring books. Bring to life the artist's renderings of the apocalyptic horsemen or Elijah's chariot. Maybe you're lacking for colors. Look no further than the stains on your clothing for ideas. There's that persistent red dust that never quite washes out, or the bright yellow from the mango you had for breakfast, or even the tea-green splotch from the mate that spilled when your car hit a pot-hole. Use your imagination!

Head games:

Sometimes traveling can be a pain in the neck...literally. Bad roads abound, even in the heart of the city, and few vehicles have functioning seat belts. Unless your driver is uncommonly talented, or drives annoyingly slowly, you're bound to hit your head on the ceiling at some point. Some people can't tolerate these roads, but the enterprising traveler isn't so easily thwarted. Here are some suggestions. Option 1: Head Darts. Mark out a large dart board on the ceiling of the vehicle. When the car hits a bump, each person records where their head hits the ceiling. First to 100 wins. Option 2: Headdle Ball. It's like paddle ball. With your head. Hang a small ball (golf balls not recommended) from the ceiling. With each bump in the road, head the ball to another passenger. Mouthpiece and helmet are encouraged for children under the age of ten.

Hmm, this post needs pictures. Here are a couple of my favorites. Paraguayan merchandise at its finest:

Monday, August 17, 2009

Top Nine

As I count down my final week it's time to write the “things I'll miss about Paraguay” post. In no particular order...
  1. Yerba. Any Paraguay travel blog probably deserves a post dedicated solely to this tea. Yerba is the loose tea leaf used to make tereré (add cold water) or mate (add hot water). It's traditionally drunk communally from a cow horn (called a guampa) using a special sieve straw (called a bombilla): add water, drink, add water, pass to the next person. Yerba in Paraguay is like coffee in the U.S., but less personal addiction than social rite – and a much more effective source of hydration on hot days. It's so pervasive, in fact, that I sometimes wonder whether the Paraguayan social structure would collapse in its absence. In Asuncion it provided an excuse to stop and chat in someone's office. On an isolated Chaco ranch it's the only reason needed to drop by and see the neighbors. Yerba is really just a catalyst. What I'm actually going to miss is a culture where social interaction is considered a necessary part of the productive work day.

  2. Whoopie cushion toilet seats. It's like something you'd order from a Boy's Life magazine. Paraguayans are fond of their padded foam toilet seats, so when you sit down all the air poofs out. If you're lucky it'll make a not-quite life-like impolite bodily function noise to boot.

  3. Multilingualism. Actually I don't expect to miss this for the first couple weeks. Right now I need a vacation from it. I've been listening to (and learning varying amounts of) Spanish, Guarani, German and Plautdietsch for the past three months. There's nothing like knowing only one language to make you feel like a North American.

  4. Carnivorism. I'm not a strict vegetarian, but meat had become my once-a-week food in the states. That's not exactly an option in Paraguay especially on a cattle ranch, but for as much meat as I've eaten here, it's always worthwhile – no hamburger hotdish for us, most has been roasted over a fire or stewed in savory juices all morning. It's tasty, it's local, it's free-range, it's grass-fed, it's hormone-free ... why was I toying with vegetarianism?

  5. Being South. Many of us believe the Earth is round, but there's something about the sun being in the north that sort of cements that. That, and the way that the wintery chill comes from the south and the north wind blows down pure heat. I also hear that drains spiral in reverse here, though I have yet to find a bathtub in which to test the matter. And then there are the stars. I'm no star buff so I was surprised to look up and realize that indeed, the constellations look totally different to me.

  6. Living outside. North American houses are increasingly sealed against the elements. Paraguayan houses are anything but. As an outsider I wonder whether people here identify themselves as “outdoorsy” the way they do in the U.S. Living, cooking and eating spaces are often found outside and most houses are closed up only on the hottest, coldest or wettest days, if then. I'm still a little ambivalent, being an ashamedly huge fan of air conditioning, but I respect the philosophy that seeks ways to accommodate nature rather than trying to block it out.

  7. Siesta. It's like yerba. It acknowledges what's really important in life: napping. At least in the Chaco everything is closed for three hours over noon. It's partly necessity – when the temperature recently jumped to the triple digits there was no point in being outside before 3pm – but I'll take a 2 hour siesta over a 15 minute power nap any day.

  8. German radio. I remember being in Heidelberg once trying to find a radio station that played German music, but the only music I could find was in English. Now my search is ended. Every afternoon one radio station plays back to back German oldies. I think it's sort of the Lawrence Whelk era of German music, and I imagine these men with clear voices and accordions are singing about walking by the Rhine with their love on a summer's evening. I would probably find the songs hilarious if they weren't also so calming. It's perfect post-siesta music.

  9. Not paying rent. Now it's back to the real world.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Chaco Charlie

Chaco Charlie is a rancher. He raises grass-fed hamburgers and cheeseburgers. He also likes to eat grass-fed hamburgers and cheeseburgers, but one morning he was not happy. He didn't want a hamburger and he didn't want a cheeseburger. He wanted a

“I know,” said Chaco Charlie, “I'll go ask Brigita the Goat for a milkshake.” Brigita was Chaco Charlie's friend and she gave him a nice frothy milkshake. Then Chaco Charlie felt much better, but he also felt very strong. He wanted to work.

“I know,” said Chaco Charlie, “I'll go work on the Chipper-chopper. Then I'll be happy.” So Chaco Charlie worked on the Chipper-chopper. He used lots of tools and made lots of noise. When he was done, everything worked perfectly, and he felt much better, but all that work had made him lonely.

“I know,” said Chaco Charlie, “I'll go visit
the hamburgers and cheeseburgers. Then I'll be happy.” So Chaco Charlie went to see the hamburgers and cheeseburgers. Today was special because there was a brand new baby hamburger. Chaco Charlie castrated the baby hamburger and named it 'Hank'. Chaco Charlie was happy to visit the hamburgers, but he was sad that there wasn't enough grass for them to eat.

“I know,” said Chaco Charlie, “I'll go knock down some trees so that more grass can grow. Then the hamburgers will be happy and I'll be happy, too.” So Chaco Charlie took the tractor and pushed down the trees. He was happy to help the hamburgers, but now he was very, very tired.

“I know,” said Chaco Charlie, “I'll go sleep in my hammock. Then I'll be happy.” so Chaco Charlie went to sleep in his hammock. And he was very happy.

The End

By the Numbers

I've recovered from the flu. Let's run the numbers:

3: rolls of toilet paper and counting (a personal record for a single illness) used to blow my nose
6: number of hours I've actually spent working this last week
6: number of days spent in bed
2: number of days I didn't and should have
400: pages of Tolkien I've been conscious enough to read
12: hours of BBC's “Planet Earth” I've watched. Ask me anything about elephants.
80% : h1n1 score. The national news published a chart of normal flu symptoms vs. h1n1 symptoms. My symptoms scored 8 out of 10 for h1n1. With no medical opinion to back me up, I'm going to declare myself victor over some baby sibling of h1n1. I'll call it the “goat flu” until they can give it a proper name.
Countless: grapefruits, liters of water and hours of sleep I've taken on in the past 8 days. In the end, though, I've supplemented my natural regimen with actual pharmaceuticals.

Actually, since I composed this blog entry I've had five full days of work. Seemingly, one out of every two relatives I have here in Paraguay is a medical professional of some sort (MD, RN, Veterinarian, etc.) so I've been in good hands. Nonetheless, it leaves little to report when entire days are spent staring at the ceiling contemplating which is more torturous: the insistent pain of waking, or the dreadful feverish dreams of sleeping. This I will say, I witnessed rain in the Chaco. It wasn't long and it didn't do much more than settle the dust, but for a brief time there were actually puddles on the yard. Here's a picture:

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Chaco: First Impressions

Spending the summer in Paraguay was meant to be a chance to visit family and spend some time in another culture. Perhaps it's not as ironic as it seems that, having left Asuncion with its North American-styled shopping centers and cineplexes, its Hooters and casinos, I feel closer to home in the Chaco. A few hundred kilometers north of Asuncion, you begin to see the land transform from the wet grasslands and forests of eastern Paraguay into a desert not unlike Arizona: rain is scarce, especially this year (during the “rainy season” they received only a few drops), but plant life is abundant. And like the Sonoran desert, this means only the hardiest, woodiest, prickliest plants can survive. More than a familiar landscape, however, I've felt transported into a culture that mirrors the U.S. Midwest (an arid, German-speaking Midwest).
Understandably, the same families of German farmers who settled in central Kansas also broke the bush of the Chaco and started farming it (I've even met a couple Regiers here, probably no relation). Though I'm told their first years were very challenging, the towns that have emerged look little different from any small town in Kansas, with their grain elevators, feed stores, and motorcycle dealerships. The houses themselves resemble the low, ranch-style houses that populate large parts of Newton – a far cry from the homes of central Asuncion whose facades reflect a prison-like need for security.

On Saturday, I attended a volleyball tournament in town. Mennonites settled the Chaco in half a dozen colonies and from time to time, they get together for various sports tournaments. Apparently volleyball rivals soccer for popularity in these parts. Looking around the gymnasium, I could easily have been in rural Kansas. Apart from the ubiquitous tereré tea (indispensable if you'll be sitting for more than five minutes at a time), the crowd, wearing seed caps and plaid, could have been cheering on any Midwest home team. The score keepers looked to be two retired farmers perched high in the stands, the type who would meet for coffee at the local cafe.

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to appreciate much of the Chaco yet, having caught a couple bugs at World Conference. So far, none of them appears to be H1N1, but as soon as my body overcomes one, another seems to set in. I'm hoping to do at least a little work here before I leave in a few weeks.
A first taste of Chaco dust (prettier pictures to follow)


Sunday afternoon marked a sort of bookend between my time in Asuncion and my time in the Chaco, and it took the form of a bus ride. Actually, there were two bus rides. I met my cousin, Hugo at conference and through some broken English (for him) and broken Spanish (for me) we decided to take the public colectivo bus system to the outskirts of town where we'd catch the “NASA” bus to the Chaco. By now, I've spent a fair bit of time on city buses, but I haven't ever seen them this full. “Standing room only” doesn't really describe how packed they were, and a dozen or so passed us by before one had enough room for us. Preparing for the Chaco, I had packed hot weather clothes, cold weather clothes, farm work clothes, church clothes, relative-visiting clothes ... I was carrying a good 90% of my wardrobe on my back. Along with a small, but weighty portion of my personal library. Along with my violin, most precious of instruments. Along with my computer, digital repository of my life. Along with gifts for all my relatives in the Chaco. The dirty looks I received from my fellow passengers as I squeezed in were well-founded: I had paid for only one ticket, but both I and my life had come aboard.

This was perhaps the low point of the day. Everything changed when I boarded the bus to the Chaco. To start with, I found myself seated in the midst of a family reunion of Paraguayan Kansans, most of whom I had some connection to. My seatmate was a diminutive Guarani boy who spoke a very soft and slurred Spanish. Surrounded by Mennonites speaking Plautdietsch, I'm guessing he felt far more out of place in his own country than I did at that point. The seats were soft and the trip was long, affording time enough for thought, sleep, and reading. When I think of the word “buffer,” this trip strikes close to my conceptualization. A time to wind down from the chaos of Mennonite World Conference and associated responsibilities, a time to prepare for a month of ranching in the Chaco.

Oh, and the bus hit a cow. Being on the second level of the bus, it was extra exciting.

Mennonite World Conference

Mennonite World Conference is the reason I came to Paraguay this summer. I came for many other and more important reasons, but my trip has largely been scheduled around the conference and it deserves a blog entry.

The global Mennonite church congregates once every six years. Ostensibly, it's the time that the leaders from different continents converge to make statements and decisions and talk about the direction of the church. But it's also an excuse for Mennonites from all over to do some world-traveling, learn some new songs, and add some Facebook friends. The conference this year was held in Asuncion, mere kilometers from where I had been staying (having family in the same city as Conference was too good an opportunity to pass up) and was hosted in an almost completed mega-church building.

Paraguay has a sizable and visible Mennonite population. Immigrating largely from Germany and Russia, they are known mostly by their light complexions and tendency to speak low-German. If, in the U.S., Mennonites are identified by their ethnicity, it's all the more common here in Paraguay. Being of light skin and hair, I'm automatically assumed to be Mennonite, but it's confusing to people that I don't speak German. This is even more problematic for darker skinned Paraguayans who claim Mennonite values and practices, but lack the genetic heritage that most Paraguayans equate with the denomination. One of the hopes of the conference was to make Paraguayans aware that being Mennonite is not a matter of pigment. I heard not a few stories of locals who were amazed to find that their extremely dark-skinned African visitors had come for the Mennonite conference.

The majority of Mennonite World Conference is spent sitting. In both the morning and evening are services with singing, sermons, and presentations from any number of presidents and secretaries general of other denominations. Then you get up and stand in line for twenty minutes before sitting down with a plate of rice and sauce in a dining room built for 5000. Afternoons (between the eating and singing) are spent attending workshops or concerts. For my part, I helped out each afternoon with the Alto Refugio workshop, a small part, but I met dozens of people later who recognized me as “one of the people working with AIDS”.

In the end, I decided that the value of Mennonite World Conference might be the same for me as for the Paraguayans: to personally encounter a larger picture of the church – one that doesn't only look and think like I do. While it's no news that the church holds a broad spectrum of beliefs, practices, and worship styles, there's no substitute for witnessing that in person.

Seating area number 1

And 2

Friday, July 3, 2009

An Introduction

I know that of the faithful handful of blog-followers out there, there's a small contingent that's wondering what I spend my days doing. This one's for you. Cheers.

For more information, please refer to the (newly reformatted) website here ( In short, I work at an AIDS ministry started by my relatives here in Asuncion. I might have let on earlier that I would be working at a clinic. That's because I was mistaken. Alto Refugio is, in fact, located across the street from one of Paraguay's main AIDS wards, but the center is drop-in only and provides for needs like clothing, medication, support groups, etc. As in many countries, AIDS in Paraguay carries a heavy stigma. Many patients who are found to have AIDS are disowned by their families and singularly discriminated against, leaving them with no form of familial support and little chance of employment. Many of these cases are single mothers with up to five or seven children to feed. The needs are great and Alto Refugio helps meet the needs of (I think) a remarkable number of patients each day. Still, like my work with impoverished families in Tucson, I find the days emotionally draining. There's always more need than one nonprofit can hope to fill.

My responsibilities at Alto Refugio range from chief of IT to chief rotten tomato sorter to floor-mopping underling. My latest project has been to revamp the website, which is really three websites, in each of English, Spanish and German. In the downtime (during the frequent internet black-outs) I've also been acting as the in-house carpenter, photographer, and lifter of heavy objects.

The day starts with devotions at 7:30. Being a project of the Canadian Evangelical Mennonite Church, the organization is faith-based and faith-permeated. (I should probably make some sort of claim here about my views not reflecting those of Alto Refugio or EMC) But what this often means for me is sitting in a circle of middle-aged women listening to a devotional (still outside the grasp of my language comprehension) and drinking maté. I could think of worse ways to begin a day, but I still laugh at myself when I actually describe it.

The rest of the day, until sometime between three and five, is spent trying to interpret what people are asking me to do. Recently, it's been spent in my own little world of web-design with the occasional interruption from kids who walk into the office and want to know what you call something in English. By all evidence, English is a hilarious-sounding language.

On other occasions, I accompany staff members on charlas: AIDS education presentations they give at schools, churches, even to regional sports teams and the military's top brass. Alto Refugio seems to average 5-7 presentations a week, even as they're turning down more requests. Let's see...if a normal presentation has 50-100 attendees, and the country has seven million people, that makes for a sizable chunk of the population. A charla includes some basic AIDS prevention information, anti-discrimination training and testimony from a current AIDS patient. But most striking to me is the challenge to prevent AIDS through abstinence and marital faithfulness...not striking that Alto Refugio would take an abstinence-only stance, but that they would be invited to present it to such a broad audience (like regional sports teams and military top brass). In a country where the prevailing theology seems to mirror the American “religious right,” such values, if not widely practiced, don't seem to be widely challenged.

I'm including a [clandestine] shot of a charla in progress (that's Dave, giving the presentation)

And also a picture of the school where this was held. Relatively speaking, this is a really nice school - the classrooms have desks, the blackboards have chalk and the bathrooms have flush toilets.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Supermercado, Hipermercado

I just realized that for the past month (as of 8pm last night it's been four weeks since disembarking in Paraguay) I haven't used shampoo on my hair once. I've mistakenly been using conditioner. At first I thought it was just the high humidity that was giving my hair the full body and healthy shine that I hadn't experienced in the desert dryness. Then I began to think that since I'm washing my hair more frequently, maybe it's producing more natural oils... details aside, today I really began questioning whether I should have just packed my good old American made shampoo.
And this is when I looked at the bottle.
It's not like “acondicionador” is such a far cry from its English cognate. Perhaps it's that the bottle was sitting directly under (as in hidden by) the shampoo sign. Or maybe on my first shopping trip I was concentrating harder on deciphering what scent it was supposed to be (really, I don't like my hair smelling of coconut) than on the product itself. So this morning I went back to the supermarket and picked up an identical looking bottle at the other end of the aisle that was clearly marked “shampoo”.
Shampoo and a bottle of guaraná. Though it's becoming more popular in the U.S., I'm told that guaraná pop, along with churrasquerias (meat-spear smorgasbords) are really a Paraguayan (and Brazilian and Argentinian) distinctive. It's one of those things that, as a 4 year old returning from Brazil, stuck in my memory: guaraná pop, super-sweet guava paste, almost sickly sweet dulce de leche, and little juice boxes of chocolate's interesting note what a four year old remembers. So when I went to the store for the first time here, along with shampoo, I found myself some guava paste, a little dulce de leche, and some guaraná. And bananas.
I came in exactly the wrong season for fruit; a month ago there were still a few haggard looking mangoes, avocados, and papayas on the shelves. Now it's down to bananas and imported citrus, but fortunately for me, between the climate and a little pesticide, bananas grow in abundance year-round. And they're cheap. Really cheap. On my last trip I picked up a little over 3 pounds for around 60 cents. For that reason alone I would consider taking up residency in Paraguay.
But my favorite part of the supermarket is the little video screens you can watch while you're waiting in line (not to be confused the grocery store movie theaters; this week I went to a theater built into the equivalent of Safeway or Dillons). Evidently, the stores want to demonstrate that they're at least as modern as any American Safeway. So they have these video screens by the cash register where you can watch documentaries about factory-farmed chickens. From growth-hormone injection to the automated butcher machine, you can follow lives of your future chicken nuggets right up to their demise. I laugh whenever I see it. Any grocery story in the U.S. that showed how their chickens are raised would a) have PETA picketing outside the store and b) see their customers swear off chicken.

I'm including a picture of my hair, but it also includes my face, and one of my co-volunteers, Teresa. Sometime soon, I'll actually write about what I'm doing as a volunteer. So until next time...

Thursday, June 18, 2009


If I knew one thing about the Mennonite colonies in Paraguay prior to my arrival, I knew that they were largely responsible for turning parts of the Chaco (a geographic region that stretches over several countries, and is by all accounts an un-farmable wasteland) into a productive agricultural enterprise. And if I knew one thing about the productive agriculturally enterprising Mennonites, it's that they have one fabulous dairy processing plant. Prior to my departure, I was actually told by one person, “if you don't see anything else, see the dairy plant. They're way more advanced than the U.S. They make drinkable yogurt.” Last I looked, the dairy processing plant wasn't on my itinerary, but I had planned on at least trying this famous drinkable yogurt.

● ● ●

Friday, June 12: I bought a bag of drinkable (bebible) strawberry yogurt. Yogurt, like milk and mayonnaise here, often comes in plastic bags, at least if you're buying more than 4oz. I find plastic bags to be ultimately sensible for storage before they're opened (store in cool, dry place, free of sharp objects) but ultimately a pain once you've cut a pour-hole. Each opened bag then requires its own pitcher.

Monday, June 15: I open my liter of drinkable, strawberry yogurt and enjoy it on a bowl of cornflakes and bananas.

Tuesday, June 16: Call the corps of engineers, we're in over our heads!

I'll back up a little. My stay here in Paraguay isn't exactly a vacation, since I'm volunteering at the AIDS foundation that my family started (the family I'm living with). There's a lot to be said, but what you need to know is that this foundation is staffed largely by volunteers, and is paid for largely by donations. In addition to other services, it provides meals for HIV/AIDS patients, along with bags of groceries to take home. With more than 2,000 total clients, that translates into a lot of food. And one of these food sources is the Co-op dairy plant (making no assumptions, I expect this might be the plant I was advised to visit) so every Tuesday they have to get rid of all the unsold and nearly-expired yogurt and milk and cream cheese and butter and dulce de leche that's sitting in their warehouse.

This Tuesday, apparently, was a bumper harvest. I wish I had a picture of the pickup full of yogurt that arrived Tuesday afternoon. Or a picture of the kitchen floor, covered in crates upon crates of yogurt that wouldn't fit into the three fridges. Or a picture of the hundreds of pounds of yogurt we sent home with patients. But this one will have to do.

Wednesday, June 17: Some might call this a fridge full of yogurt. I call this my new reality. I'd brought home a modest 6 liters of yogurt on Tuesday, but the Co-op called again and sent another 6 crates our way, so my fridge became part of the overflow plan. Somewhere back in there I think I still have some bread and eggs and cheese, but I'll have to eat my way in.

Thursday, June 18: Not sick of yogurt yet. Ask me in a week.

I'm not really a fan of product placements for large American corporations, but Tony and Sam and Mrs. Müslix wanted to say hi. I'm probably just behind the times, but I hadn't seen a cereal-yogurt combo package like this before.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

And to Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street

my regards to Dr. Seuss.

In my room there’s a window, where should be a wall

Open onto the street so that I can see all

That is passing by foot or by hoof or by wheels

A fantastic parade of all sorts of mobiles

And spectating there from the bed where I slumber

I’ve started to note all the wonders that lumber

‘Long pot-holey, narrow, and cobblestoned streets

And the list I’ve compiled, while far from complete

Is a taste of the traffic on mulberry street.

A horse is (of course, is) a good place to start

A regular horse with a broken down cart

Filled with branches and leaves

Or with trash or recycling

To take to the dump, if that’s what’s to your liking

Or if you’d prefer not to pay the for the dumping

The man on the cart will oblige you by thumping

The pile of branches, (just now and again)

As he drives by the neighbors’ front doorways and then

With a thump and a bump a small branch will fall off.

“Oh, it’s quite accidental,” he says, if you scoff.

But as soon as he reaches the dump he will see

That there’s nothing more left of his pile of debris

So he’ll go home, dejected, until the next day

When your neighbors will call him and ask, if they pay,

Would he please come and pick up some branches and leaves

That they found on their doorstep on Mulberry Street.

But piles of branches, a-flipping and flopping

And regular horses, a-clipping and clopping

Down Mulberry Street are but only a start.

There’s more to be seen here than broken down carts.

There are bicycles, too, with their tires running flat

From the trash on the streets and the weight on their racks

Cause the rider decided he needed to carry

A 3 meter pipe down the Street of Mulberry.

A bicycle plumber: he’ll fix all your leaks

If he isn’t run over on Mulberry Street.

For buses are bigger than bicycle plumbers

And scary to ride for the city’s newcomers

Who ‘spect they will die when the bus runs a light,

Or have their purse stolen (they’re probably right)

But the driver is cool, collected, contained,

As he talks on his cell phone and counts out your change

And swerves through the traffic on streets with no lanes

And no names and no claims to the concept of sane

But buses, I’m told, are a toler’ble scene

If you don’t try to ride to the futbol arena

They’ll lurch and they’ll launch you right out of your seat

And you’ll land with a thump, safe, on Mulberry Street.

And when all the horses and bikers and buses

And motorbikes, pickups, and big semi-truckses

Get lonely and go out to be where the crowd is

They jam in and try to see who honks the loudest.

Just go out and watch them; you’re in for a treat:

The symphonic arrangement of Mulberry Street.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I Believe in Miracles

I've decided my first blog post should thoughtfully encapsulate my first impressions of South America, the essence of what it means to find one's self a stranger in a strange land, and also pay tribute to the rich heritage and local culture. So, cliches be darned, I'm going to introduce you to my bathroom:

Don't drink the water from this faucet unless you grew up in Paraguay. Even Chileans come here and get very, very sick. I suppose it's just a matter of time until someone serves me coffee or juice (or milk) made with local water. Until then, hands are washed with this water, and teeth are brushed with bottled water.

please refer to the schematic (below) to reference the following quips.

1. The trash can. Yes, even men's bathrooms have these little guys. I'm not convinced that the kind of toilet paper they sell in S. America is stout enough to clog even an artery, but it still doesn't go in the city sewer system. I remember it taking a little time to unlearn that habit twenty-some years ago when I moved back from Brazil. It's taken a little time to get back into the habit personal apologies to Sao Paulo airport if their sewer system backs up. It was my fault.

2. The eagle-eyed among you will look at the shower head and wonder why there's electrical tape. That's mostly to keep the water from coming in contact with the electrical wiring. I'm glad someone thought to put electrical tape on that junction because there is a stream of water coming off that plastic tube to the side. If you adjust it properly, it won't spray on the wire. Here's the benefit of a bathroom with no carpeting and a central floor drain: the whole bathroom is your shower stall, solving that age-old need to brush your teeth and shower at the same time. For all you home-modification fans, the shower's naturally ADA accessible with a built in multi-functional shower seat: the toilet.

3. That's right, read it and weep, my bathroom comes with a urinal. It's possible that's a byproduct of my bedroom/apartment being a former storefront. I understand not all residential commodes come with such high-brow plumbing. True, I have to walk outside to get there, but a urinal's a urinal. Sometimes you just have to go the distance to reap the rewards. Another byproduct is that I've found the words “urinal” and “miracle” apparently occupy neighboring registers in my brain. Whenever I walk into the bathroom I start humming “That was a miracle [urinal] too” from Fiddler on the Roof. More recently it's been “I believe in [urinals]”.

I guess these wouldn't generally be considered “stained glass” windows, but they do give the bathroom a little more of an ecclesiastic aire. I have yet to kneel at the porcelain altar, but as my system continues to adjust to Paraguayan bugs, I'm sure it won't be long.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Year's Update

A couple years have come and gone since the last's about time for a new one.

I typically have a few songs growing in my head and, for space and sanity, I occasionally take the time to transplant them into digital waveforms stored on magnetically charged disks. This last holiday season I made a more deliberate effort than usual, going so far as to give the songs names. While these recordings are usually just for my personal reference, I'm sharing this project for those people who wish to hear what's going on in my head. As far as I know, all these songs are original and, if it's not apparent, the project is completely solo. (If you want to download an mp3 version, you can right-click the title and save it)

01 God Willing / Fiddler's Groove

:: I think this song's about Winfield

02 This Fog Below

:: I woke up with this tune in my head one morning, so I gave it some words

03 Tin Can Life

:: Previously posted

04 Sailing to Marana

:: A new recording of a previous post

05 Monsoon in D

:: During one monsoon season in Tucson I spent most evenings on the porch with a mandolin watching the storms move through the valley. The three themes in this piece came from those sessions.

06 Phantom Trolley

:: Inspired by Tucson's (still functioning) 4th Ave trolley; mostly, I just like ghost train songs.

There's even cover art! (in case you had a hard time deciphering the video stills)